Policy Statement

Main rules

Please keep the following rules for your and other visitors’ safety and best experience of the park.
1. The Park as an outdoor location can be closed due to storm warning or other circumstances dangerous for the visitors (ex. power outage). In case of emergency visitors must follow the the instructions of the organizers and leave the park at the nearest exit.
2. Taking photos and videos is allowed for private use, as long as it does not disturb other visitors, does not obstruct traffic and does not damage the exhibited objects. The use of drones or any flying devices is prohibited.
3. The visit of children and minors (under 14 years of age) is only permitted in the presence of an adult (person over the age of 18). In all cases, the accompanying adult is responsible for the behavior and safety of the accompanied child or the damage caused by the child.
4. Pets are prohibited in the park.
5. Bicycles, scooters or any other rolling equipment are prohibited.
6. Adults are not allowed to use the equipments. Climbing or using of certain decorations is permitted for children at their own risk. It is forbidden to step on or touch the fenced decorations.
7. It is strictly forbidden and dangerous to touch or handle electrical devices, not including devices that children can step on or sit in.
8. Visitors who do not comply with the above rules or disturb other visitors despite warnings may be excluded from the park.
9. Please pay extra attention to traffic in dark conditions. Do not run in the park, as there are wires and fixing devices outside the designated traffic routes and areas. The park may be used by everyone at their own risk.
10. Visitors under the influence of alcohol, an illegal drug or intoxicating medication may be excluded from the park.
11. Any intentional damage entails liability for damages.
12. In addition to these rules visitors to the park automatically accept the Policy Statement of Budapest Spas.